Phil 4:13 is one of the most abused bible verses ever. Often taken out of context to be used to support such things as passing school exams, riding bikes or the ever famous sports team usage. Remind people who will see this shirt that CONTEXT MATTERS!
If you don t work to eradicate the sin in your life, it will eradicate you. The struggle against sin is one we will have until we are brought into Glory in the presence of Christ. Work to kill off the sin in your life.
There are so many Blind Guides out in the church today. Seeking to steal, kill and destroy the Saints with lies and false intentions. We must be wary who we listen to and who we seek Biblical counsel from. Every guide must be held up against the light of Scripture. If what these guides teach…
Inspired by John 3 and Jesus conversation with Nicodemus. Get the word out to people that they must be born again, and when they ask why, tell them so they can be saved!
When a non-Christian makes a claim, ask them by what standard are they even able to make the claim? With their denial of God, you will find they have no logical, coherent standard.
We must obey God and defy tyrants! The apostles gave us the example in Scripture – Acts 5:29 But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. The image itself is very symbolic. The crown represents a Tyrant who does not obey God s law and is spiritually dead as symbolized…
The world is filled with wickedness all around us and it seems to increase each day. The Lord has not left us alone in this spiritual battle, Paul reminded Timothy that the Lord has equipped us for every good work by the Scriptures. Writing to the Ephesians, Paul exhorts them to put on the full…
Don’t let the appearance of angels scare you! You might be tempted to cower in fear or bow down and worship them like John, the author of one of the Gospels did (Rev 19:10 and yes, again in Rev 22:8), but don’t let their amazing appearance bedazzle you!!! Fear Not Bro! Angelic descriptions taken from…
The Five Solas of the Reformation naturally point to Christ. These Five Simple doctrines are at their core, a recovery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is only natural that this new design takes the shape of a cross to further drive home the point of the Gospel to all those you encounter.
Our world is consumed with itself and material gain. The value of one s life is often determined in society by how much worldly goods and money one has. Beyond this, children are taught from a young age to seek out wealth and gain above all else. The phrase Take what you can, and give…
Bringing a two-fold message to the nations, this God of Vengeance design will draw the eyes of those around you. The two-fold message: 1) Obey 1 Peter 3:15 by sanctifying Christ as Lord in your heart knowing that it is God who will repay your enemies, we are commanded to love them. 2) Love them…
The Golden Chain is a timeless and unbroken chain of events in the life of a Christian. From the moment we are foreknown by God unto our eventual glorification, God has purposed our salvation for His glory and our good. Each link in the chain is a critical piece in the life of a Christian….
What a pity it is to trade material wealth and goods for eternal damnation. Spurgeon was right, it is poor compensation! This classic unisex jersey short sleeve tee fits like a well-loved favorite. Soft cotton and quality print make users fall in love with it over and over again. These t-shirts have-ribbed knit collars to…
Incorporating our Five Sola Seal design elements, we have created a fresh new Trinity Seal design using the familiar formula (see image below), except now its in Koine Greek! Now, when wearing this around town its sure to get somebody asking what does this design mean, since its all Greek to them! Above each member…
We look to Christ who is our only comfort in life and death, who saved us by His perfect life and propitiatory death. Featuring 3 nails and a bloodied crown of thorns in dark red. Q. What is your only comfort in life and in death?A. That I am not my own,1 but belong—body and soul,…